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Whisk and Ivy Fundraiser for Suicide Prevention and Awareness

A personal campaign sponsored by Barb Peltz

September 27, 2020


Twenty-two months ago I lost my best friend, father of our two children and husband of 24 years to suicide. Never did I anticipate that this would be part of my life story. It is imperative that we break the silence that surrounds mental health and suicide in particular. Suicide does not discriminate and touches so many more lives than I ever realized before this became my story. Humans were created to be in relationship with one another, but often we are frozen in silence when it comes to articulating our need for help. With this fundraiser we are hoping to encourage a dialog to begin within our community. A dialog about mental health and signs of depression and a willingness to engage with one another in a meaningful way. Please consider donating to help us work along side the AFSP to reduce the suicide rate and prevent this from being anyone else's story. Join the Conversation, Break the Silence, Be a Light.