Friends & Family of Michael Warner profile picture

Michael Warner Memorial Fund

A personal campaign sponsored by Friends & Family of Michael Warner

March 14, 2021

"No one can ever understand the suffering going on in their mind. But the pain in your heart is a testament to their meaning in this world". - Unknown

The pain in our hearts over the loss of Michael Warner is a testament to him. Michael Warner was a son, colleague, cousin, uncle, and friend. His footprint on this planet will live on in the many people whose lives he touched, whose lives he made better with his loyal friendship and a big heart. To say we all knew what Michael was thinking or feeling deep inside sometimes would be a lie, but for some reason, Michael always knew what we were feeling. He was always there to listen and be a constant force of good in a person's life. Michael was a creative soul with a love of writing, quiet sometimes, but those who knew him could laugh for hours with him. The pain in our hearts right now is real, it is raw, and it is hard to comprehend how a man we knew for so many years could hide the pain he felt deep inside while still being there for all of us. It is hard to understand that even though Michael may have found peace, the people who loved him are still here trying to put the pieces that don't fit together. They won't, and they can't, I am not sure they are supposed to fit in a tragedy like this. The pain in our hearts may never leave us, but that is okay. It just means he was a part of our lives that was good and that we will remember fondly with love. We were all so lucky to have walked in his presence for so many years!

 In his memory, your contribution in any amount would be appreciated to help raise awareness for the loved ones of others.