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Cookie Cuts Bootcamp for Suicide Prevention

A personal campaign sponsored by David Cook


My name is David “Cookie” Cook. I am the owner of Cookie Cuts Fitness. Throughout the majority of my life I’ve suffered from a number of mental health issues and addiction. Specifically depression, anxiety and suicidal ideations. I’ve attempted suicide on a number of occasions, most recently last year. While I have a number of different coping mechanisms, the healthiest and most profound tool I use to keep my mind and body healthy has been fitness. The discipline and routine of living a healthy and fit lifestyle has saved my life on a number of occasions. So the purpose of me holding this Bootcamp workout for suicide prevention, is to help show others with similar issues that they can lead a happy and healthy life, regardless of their past of what they’re currently going through. Please come help me spread love and awareness of a topic that has far too many negative stigmas attached to it. The broken and bruised are the ones who are truly capable of changing the world. But no one person can do that alone. We all must come together to create a change. So come out August 3rd at Noon at Franklin Strength in cool springs to help make a difference and save lives. ❤️🍪